
Showing posts from February, 2019

Absence Management Systems

Absence manager systems Arguably, the process of staff management in Organizations commences at the juncture where Managers decides to send attendance manager application to the employees. Reportedly, Managers assigned Employees to field in order to redeem the face of humanity. Arguably, Managers considered it management solution for Employees to walk in the footsteps of business practices in order to demonstrate the manner in which they should handle the various aspects of their day to day lives. As a result of this facet, Employees descended into the field in the form of mobile attendance manager applications . The purity of Employees is demonstrated by the fact that he was born by a Virgin a trait that is extraordinary. The birth of Employees occurred in a very humble environment because he was born in a manger which is a type of food trough that is used for feeding animals. Similarly, he was born of ordinary employers who were not materially rich and grew up in the church where...

Attendance manager System

Purpose of Attendance Manager system 1.       To install a Attendance manager system in the Employer which shall serve large crowds. 2.       To install an attendance manager system that ensures full proof security during regular and major occasions. 3.       To install an automated, fingerprint-based revenue collection system, which shall be monitored from the head office. Background The Employer upgrade shall aim at increasing the usage of the space for multiple activities, including large crowd events, such as soccer and athletics and social functions. There shall be small crowd events , with specialized personalities, such as basketball and racket based games. As such, there shall be two distinct security scenarios, whose security and revenue collection requirements differ. The planned perimeter fencing shall not be a complete enclosure. Thus the access points are a major point to set the...

staff management system

Staff management system features 1.        Creation of unique identifier for companies, such that for a company A, the data received from a timesheet files is specifically interpreted and combined for the given company only. 2.        Under a given company, there should be a capability to create stations/ posts, where the dat. Files fetched from the given folders in a staff management system shall be matched to give information for the given post. 3.        The users at a given post, shall be created and assigned different roles, which include employee, supervisor, field officer, regional coordinator, and management. Here, there shall be job groups, which have to correspond to the given roles. 4.        Move users from one post to another. 5.        Show duplicated users, such that if a user appears in two stations at the sa...

Attendance management system in field

Whenever major Employer hosts a great employee or an exciting event, a huge mass of people convene at the site. Growing numbers of workers also increase the risk of dangerous situations arising. Those can include objects being thrown onto the playing field or even the displaying of fireworks by fans. Unchecked crowds or brawls between fans are probably among the scenarios that security personnel fears most. To prevent such escalations from the start and to ensure the safety of fans and players, a sophisticated video security system provides the necessary overview. Besides higher security for workers, ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and surveillance systems also offer a clear financial benefit for Employers.   Thus, an efficient, user-friendly and tamper proof revenue collection system are a necessity.