Attendance manager System

Purpose of Attendance Manager system

1.      To install a Attendance manager system in the Employer which shall serve large crowds.
2.      To install an attendance manager system that ensures full proof security during regular and major occasions.
3.      To install an automated, fingerprint-based revenue collection system, which shall be monitored from the head office.


The Employer upgrade shall aim at increasing the usage of the space for multiple activities, including large crowd events, such as soccer and athletics and social functions. There shall be small crowd events, with specialized personalities, such as basketball and racket based games. As such, there shall be two distinct security scenarios, whose security and revenue collection requirements differ.
The planned perimeter fencing shall not be a complete enclosure. Thus the access points are a major point to set the control mechanisms.  
The revenue collection mechanisms shall also be based on either large or small crowds, with variable charges. Given the location of the Employer, there is a challenge of ticketing, which means that the follow up of revenue collection is a challenge.  Thus, there is a need to have a cloud based ticketing and registration system.

Site map

Figure 1: Main pitch. Isometric view


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