Best software for Human resource management in Kenya

5 Must have features in Human resource management systems in Kenya

I have been looking around for something that can fit the Kenyan needs of a HR manager. There are five main things to look for in this case, which makes the HR needs in Kenya unique. these needs include; 
1. Ability to manage staff attendance
2. Ability to manage employee payroll
3. Automation of Performance evaluation
4. Cost reduction
5. Best fit for the internet connectivity in Kenya

Must Have Questions on HR systems

Based on the 5 must have features for HR management system in Kenya, then I have come up with a test score mechanism and finally I have a short list, which narrows down to answers to 3 questions: 
1. Does the Human resource software in Kenya allow attendance management in both indoor and outdoor conditions?
2. Does the system allow processing of payroll and direct calculation of KRA tax returns?
3. Does the system allow automation reporting using a mobile application that works both online and offline, regardless of internet connectivity?
If you are looking for the best fit, our recommendation is that you look at this featured post on HR management guide in Kenya


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